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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Disney DVD replacement policy

Even though my 2 year old has a million toys to play with, he thinks its more fun to play with DVDs and DVD player once I leave the room for 2 seconds. Lets just say, he is the entire reason why I'm writing about this subject. I remember seeing on pinterest that you could get your Disney DVD/Blu-Ray discs replaced if damaged. So I began looking into it. I searched the disney website, and found all the info! I have included the video to watch so you can see how easy it is.

It's $6.95 per DVD and $8.95 per Blu-ray (Not super cheap, but way less than buying a whole new DVD/Blu-Ray)

Directly from Disneystudiohelp.com: 

"If you accidentally damage or break one of your DVD or Blu-ray discs, you can get a replacement for a nominal charge of $6.95 for per DVD and $8.95 for per Blu-ray disc.

US Consumers
Please send the damaged disc(s), a check or money order for $6.95 per DVD disc and $8.95 per Blu-ray disc (made payable to WDSHE) and a completed Disc Replacement Form to:
WDSHE Consumer Relations
Attn: Disc Replacement Program
P.O. Box 3100
Neenah, WI 54957

Canadian Consumers
Please send the damaged disc(s), a check or money order for $6.95 per DVD disc and $8.95 per Blu-ray disc (made payable to WDSHE) and a completed Disc Replacement Form to:
WDSHE Consumer Relations
Attn: Disc Replacement Program
P.O. Box 280
Fort Erie, On L2A 0A6

In rare circumstances, you might experience playback issues with a DVD or Blu-ray that has not been damaged. These issues can sometimes be resolved with a few simple troubleshooting tips. Please click the link that describes the issue you are experiencing."